
Remember how I've mentioned a time or two that those hidden emotions can manifest physically?

Exhibit A.

My right eye. Skin swollen. Discolored. Rashy. For days.

To admit I can resonate with more than a few of these emotions is "eye opening". LOL

It might be easier to list the ones I don't resonate with... 😉

Then, on the next page in the book is "Face"...yup...even more emotions wrapped up there...

It's on my skin...

And's a rash...

75% of our healing is through awareness. The rest is doing the work to heal ourselves. Yes, you can do that. You can heal.

If you are ready to take a look at the emotions hiding behind your physical issues, that's what I'm here for, whether you live nearby or across the globe, distance is not a problem. 

Simply reply and let's chat.


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