When's the last time...

Time is seemingly slipping away...

When’s the last time you took a few minutes to reflect on the blessings received, lessons learned and growth that took place in the last month?

Days have been filled with memories, laughter, moments, treasures, mistakes, uncertainty, celebration, difficulty, opportunity and last times.  

Beautiful purple tulips from my girl for all the last first times we are facing together.

Received a pen crafted by my son with a material never before used to create a pen, unique and one of a kind...just like me...
Our angel babies would be 13 years old...

Long phone calls, breakfast dates, dinner invites, protection, baseball and softball games, support and a huge hug when I needed it most.  

Memories of days long gone with tears gently streaming down my cheeks, as I watched my dad take off in his plane after he let two great-grandsons check out his plane and fielded their questions...
A spend the night with a baby raccoon chattering in our entryway until it could be transported to a sanctuary.

NC road trip on a holiday weekend to surprise one of my girls! Magical from beginning to end, despite Snapchat ratting us out ten minutes before we arrived,  and the feeling of being in a snow globe that was filled with lightning instead of snow on our trip home...but the surprise baby shower was a success and I even made huge progress with a very shy little grand, gladly receiving the hugs and dandelions she offered.

Unexpected opportunities...and challenges.

Mother’s Day shared with my parents and the Maine crew.

79 lives touched from my work at the spa.

Slowly learning to trust and receive, enjoying the journey more instead of trying to control every moment...

Yes, the days can be long, but those years? Not quite so much...  

There will come a day it will be the last time you tuck your child in, brush their hair, read to them, transport them here and there, cheer them on at a game, see them every morning, hear your name hollered 757 times a day...you will have all the quiet time you wish for now...

What are you blessings and/or lessons are you grateful for?