Is health truly expensive??

Sharing some wisdom from the great guys at Oily App today.

Health is simple…it isn’t always easy, but it’s simple. It’s a choice…every day, every meal, every product, every shopping trip.
Your body already wants to function properly. Are you helping or hindering it?

Get this…you’re more likely to be contaminated inside your home than outside of it! Stay with me here...

Have you heard of the 1976 Toxic Controlled Substances Act? No? Let me ask you this:  How many members of our federal government or members of congress do you think have studied chemicals and toxins?? 
This act did a few things. 
  1. If a toxic chemical was already being used, it was allowed in without rigorous safety testing – they were grandfathered in, no matter how good or harmful they might be. 
  2. The animal testing criteria was if half of the animals did not die when creating/using/testing the product, the chemical could be put in products you put in your mouth, use in your house, on your children, etc. It’s a little strange…not really a responsible baseline and we have no idea what they were thinking but…
  3. That other “f” word - fragrance - it’s the junk drawer for chemicals and toxins. If you see that F word anywhere – remember that it is a code word that means it is a patented chemical concoction of stuff and they don’t have to tell you what it is because it’s a trade secret. 
Greenwashing is tricky savvy marketing. The personal care industry is estimated to be a hundreds of billion dollar (650+) industry within the next few years and huge percentage of that is estimated to be “green”.  I was a Mrs. Meyers user until I learned that it is owned by a big company, is not organic, is marketed as healthy…but it is not…
Sadly, you have to research and be your own best advocate for you and your family. But that’s what I’m here to help with. It is so important that you know the source of your favorite products and that you can thoroughly trust them to have your best interest first. Product and people over profit is hard to find these days.
Let’s talk about areas you are likely to find toxins in your house right now… 

*1.  Personal care – Hair, skin, lotion, deodorant, wrinkle cream, toothpaste, shampoo, hairspray…generally stuff you use daily to help you look better, feel clean, smell good…it’s not just the ladies! Aftershave, shaving cream, deodorant, beard oil for the guys... Most of that stuff has warning labels. Do you read them?  Toothpaste – harmful if swallowed - it’s in your mouth – even adults swallow some. Not to mention, fluoride is a well-known neurotoxin and several studies have shown that children exposed to it had a lower IQ and suffered impairment in neurological development…
Remember half the animals had to not die….anything that goes on your skin goes into your body. Your skin is your biggest organ, but it is full of holes. Skin is porous. If it goes on, it goes in – you put something on your skin, 20-30 seconds later it is in your body...doesn't matter if the substance is harmful or good for you. It works the same way.

*2. Vitamins and supplements. Several years ago ingredients in big box retailers products were studied and it was found that some products had unrecognizable DNA in it…that’s code for trash. Spam and  bologna…are just a conglomeration of things…you ate it, caused you to poop, went right through you…same with Flintstones kids vitamins - just candy colors and sugar…Centrum vitamins have been found in septic systems completely whole...

Profit first is the cheapest way possible to produce products. Nutrition shakes,  Ensure - we give these to people who are sick, but there is more sugar in those than in  many candy bars, just empty dead calories we think are healthy. But remember, just because a product is in the store or says it is healthy, doesn’t mean it really is. 

*3. Household cleaning supplies. Household products are loaded with fragrances. Febreeze was designed to get rid of pet odors, but no one wanted it when it was first tested because…it had no smell, so they added the scent to drive the smell up. If it smells clean, it is clean right?? No! Remember the toxins thanks to the Toxic Substances Control Act, fragrance, and half animals not dying… 

*4. Scents and smells – candles, air fresheners, crazy sprays and aerosols, plug ins, burners, smells meant to make you happy or feel a certain way…are full of toxic chemicals, but also be careful of fake essential oils.  Yup, synthetics can be  labeled as essential oils. Nothing says the oil has to be pure from nature…it can be purely synthetic, too. You get what pay for…and all oils not created equal…

If you think health is expensive, take a look at cost of not being healthy…You can pay some now or whole lot later. Tell me, is it cheaper to change oil in your car now than to not change the oil and then end up replacing the motor when it blows up?

We spend money on candles, products to clean our house, on vitamins, supplements, toothpaste, shampoo, 15 cleaning cocktails, make up, and more…The cost of change is simply the hassle of making the change itself. 
Here’s the deal with ditch and switch, YL has 600 plus products…CBD, cleaning products, supplements, personal care, insect repellent, pancake mix,  snack bars, baby products, pet products and so much more.  Simply take the money you are spending in the big box stores and spend it on healthy alternatives instead, from  your very own online store!  No need to find new money! You just don’t buy any more dryer sheets…use dryer balls instead...those dryer sheets are toxin when they are heated. Thieves laundry detergent is so concentrated it lasts a super long time. That Thieves cleaner is just .69 a bottle once you break down the cost and just one bottle of oil will last so much longer than that candle and will support your body’s health instead of destroying it. What about bath bombs or shower steamers?  Simply put oil on washcloth, rub on floor of shower for relaxing spa shower or put some oil in Epsom salt and put in your bath! 
Health is not easy, it requires discipline,  but it’s simple. You can change the health and wellness of your family by just making one decision at a time, even if they are small decisions. They say  the only way to eat an elephant is in small bites...Lock arms with me and my community and together we can bring tremendous change and blessing in your family and those you love. That’s what I’m here for.
Ready to take the step? 
Share three areas in your health or lifestyle that you would like to change and let’s work together and start making those small changes. 

Are you chemically overloaded?

What happens when your body is chemically overloaded?  You may see it in something as catastrophic as cancer. But, most of us feel it in other ways like lethargy, inability to focus, sleep trouble, chronic inflammation, unexplained pain, skin issues, adult acne, hot flashes, stress, anxiety and fear. If you face any of these issues, it’s time to kick chemicals to the curb.

To help you do that, let’s take a quick look at the ultimate tool kit  that supports every system of your body. For more information about each of these oils, visit Nan at Her website is my go to along with my desk reference.
Lavender is one of the most versatile oils, known as the Swiss Army knife of oils, has over 1000 uses...and is also the most adulterated oil on the market. Knowing your source is critical. 

Another great skin oil. Put on your pillow before you go to bed. 
We love it for bruises, blisters, rashes, bug bites, mild burns or headaches and anything we don’t really know what else to use. Spray it on your pillow before you go to bed. Lavender Vitality is great in smoothies, sauces, dressings, homemade ice cream, marinades and drinks!
Emotionally it is used for feelings of abandonment, criticism and helps you not to worry about what you can’t control. (Can people really do that?? LOL)  Relaxing and balancing. Fosters communication, brings clarity and insight. But with any oil, start low and go slow. Oils are powerful...ask Dana about his poison ivy story...

Peppermint vitality supports your gastrointestinal system and digestive tract. One drop will keep you alert while driving or at other times when you need to focus. 
I love it for its cooling effect. I will often drop it on the back of my neck when I am doing a Raindrop session as I tend to get really warm with all the energy that can be released from a client. This has also been my failure oil. Great to have this time of year as kiddos are going back to school as it helps when there is a block to learning a new subject and it helps to eliminate that fear of the unknown. 

Add it to your water, tea, brownies, ice cream, in a veggie cap, or even under your tongue. We will also put a drop on our thumb and put our thumb to the roof of our mouth to clear our sinuses. Dana gets a bit braver and puts it on his  mustache...Remember, vitality and regular are the same oil, just labeled differently to remain in FDA compliance.

Purification is an all time favorite. Have you fallen in love with it yet?? Great for cleaning, refreshing, laundry, pet odors and as an insect deterrent. I love diffusing this one all by itself.

Uplifting and refreshing, diffusing it purifies and cleanses negative emotions (now you know why I love to diffuse it...). Our favorite blue book tells us it is good for anger, being alone,  fear of rejection, fear of seeing, negative or wrong thoughts, recognition and violence.

Thieves vitality – thieves has been proven to kill 99.9% of all germs and bacteria. Do I even need to say anything else? LOL. When anyone even looks or sounds like they might be going below the wellness line, the first thing I do is get this oil in the diffuser and on their feet and spine. Why those places?? The spine is where bundles of nerves run through your body and the feet (and hands) are where they come out. If you put oils in those places topically, you’re covering a lot of ground in the body, even if you don’t know where those germs are hiding out – another reason Raindrop Technique is so powerful as the oils are applied on your feet and back as well.
I put a drop of thieves with lemon, orange or citrus fresh (vitality, of course) in my water or tea and I even have a popcorn recipe that uses thieves! 
Did I mention it is also our favorite way to remove splinters!!?? Simply apply a drop as needed and watch the magic happen.
Think you couldn’t use this emotionally? Guess what? It helps with feeling different, sneaky, or uncertain and is specifically designed to cleanse your mind or environment when you diffuse it. 

Stress Away – you all know my love/hate relationship with this oil. I hated it for over 7 years. Despised it. It was so harsh smelling! But I did put it on my feet because I knew my dislike of it had an emotional element… I giggled when I saw in the blue book that it is for the emotion of cruel…that’s about how I would’ve described this oil before. LOL 
It promotes wellness and is one of the top emotional oils, helping you leave all that stress behind, like from being over tired, irritated, angry, nervous, restless…wonder if it helps with being hangry?? Hmmm... It will also help calm you, bringing peace and natural restful sleep.

Deep Relief comes in a portable roller bottle...just like Stress Away. This makes it easy peasy to reach those places on your back or shoulders!

Wintergreen, helichrysum, clove, peppermint, copaiba, lemon, vetiver, candian balsam fir, dorado azul…powerful oils…but when combined together?? Game changer.

Nan says this blend will help you find emotional and mental patterns that stop you from exercising and/or taking care of yourself emotionally and physically. It may also dig up physical hurts that have gone unresolved including accident prone tendencies, over exertion or over achieving. It will cool anger and frustration that you have with yourself about those patterns.

Remember, anything that is continually overdone or in excess will drain your body and mind  instead of supporting them, even if the initial intention was good.

Last week we said 26 seconds after exposure, chemicals are found in measurable amounts in your body.  The average woman applies 300 chemicals a day – 80 of those even before breakfast!  Of the top ten most dangerous chemicals in our home, number one is air fresheners, those plug-ins or candles. Second on the list – cleaning supplies. 
Ready to take the first step and curious about how you can get this kit and start guarding your home? Message me or comment below. 

Next week we will dive into more detail about the toxins lurking in your cabinets that make their way to your clothing, your floors, your skin, your children, pets and food, also taking a look at greenwashing. Join us Sunday night at 8:15pm in Intentional Wellness.