No sunshine for these oils...

Summer and citrus oils just go together...but, just to be safe, it is recommended that you avoid direct UV exposure to an area where you applied your favorite citrus oil(s) for at least 12 hours...One option is to apply them at night. or as one of my mentors suggests, apply them where the sun don't shine... ;) 

WHY? Citrus oils (and some others) contain natural molecules that react with sunlight and can cause sensitivity to the skin. You will find that your favorite YL oils and blends that contain these compounds are labeled with a warning to avoid sun/UV light for 12 to 48 hours after applying. 

Diffusing is always an option, as well!

Oils that shouldn't see the sun:

* Angelica

* Bergamot

* Dill

* Grapefruit

* Lemon

* Lemon Verbena

* Lime

* Orange

* Tangerine

* Citrus Fresh

* Jade Lemon

* German Chamomile

* Abundance

* Awaken

* Christmas Spirit

* Clarity

* Deep Relief

* DiGize

* Dragon Time

* Dream Catcher

* Envision

* Forgiveness

* Gentle Baby

* Grounding

* Harmony

* ImmuPower

* Inner Child

* Into the Future

* Joy

* Live with Passion

* Longevity

* Peace & Calming

* Raven


* Surrender

* Stress Away

* Thieves

* Trauma Life

* White Angelica

4th of July travel hacks - motion sickness, beach needs, diys and more!

It's less than a week away - can you believe it?? Have you made your plans for the 4th of July??

Popping in this week with a few travel tips, diys, beach needs and more for not just this coming holiday, but most any time of the year!


My oils go wherever I go! They are in my bag, my pockets and my Pilot either on their own or in a cute oil organizer, but when you're traveling by plane or leaving the country, you will want to store them differently. 
  • For plane travel, place your oil bottles or rollers in a 1 quart ziploc bag just like you do with your other liquids & gels, making sure to tighten the lids. Keep them in your carry-on luggage to avoid any leaks.
  • Choose NingXia Red packets and place them in the zip top bag with the other liquids.
  • When flying internationally ALWAYS check their TSA regulations as some may vary by country.
  • Grab a supplement organizer and fill it out with your Young Living supplements (Inner Defense, Super C Chewables and ImmuPro are fantastic for travel!)
  • Grab a Bon Voyage travel Pack for TSA-approved sizes of your favorite personal care products and a perfectly sized carrier.

Sometimes a good hack or two makes all the difference!
  • Reuse an essential oil bottle and fill with liquid carrier oil as a convenient way to dilute your oils when needed.
  • Reuse Thieves Hand Sanitizer bottles to make TSA-approved sizes of your shampoo, conditioner, etc.
  • Roll up your diffuser plug and stick it inside the diffuser, then add the covers back to make sure you don't forget it! The Desert Mist diffuser travels well since it is plastic - and it can even travel naked - leave the cover home to save space!
  • Premix diffuser blends in empty 5mL bottles for convenience -- think Thieves + Orange for when you arrive and Lavender, Valor and Frankincense for sweet sleep when traveling!
  • Grab the packet versions of supplements: AlkaLime for happy bellies, KidScents MightyPro as an adult probiotic that doesn't need refrigeration, KidScents Unwind as a nightly magnesium supplement.

The oils and products you take with you will vary a bit depending on your destination, but these always go with us when we travel!
  • Thieves Hand Sanitizer: this one is a no brainer!
  • Thieves Roll-on: for all the immune support
  • Peppermint: for motion sickness & head tension
  • DiGize: for allll the belly needs
  • NingXia Red Packets: for an afternoon energy boost and immune support
  • Lavender or Tranquil Roll-on: for a restful night's sleep & bumps/bruises
  • Valor or KidPower: for anyone afraid of heights or flying. Also Valor is a lifesaver when sharing a room with a snorer (rub a drop on their big toe)
  • Peace & Calming or Stress Away: for all the travel annoyances and big emotions
  • Thieves Wipes: a quick way to wipe down all surfaces
  • Insect Repellant or Wipes: each one is individually wrapped so they are PERFECT for travel. 

Travel excitement can quickly take a nose dive when you or someone else is feeling queasy with motion sickness. Here are our best tips to tame that feeling!
  • Peppermint: ALL the Peppermint! Inhale straight from the bottle, dilute and apply over your chest, throat, shoulders and back of your neck, diffuse in the car if possible.
  • AromaEase: Dilute this blend and apply it over your abdomen, along the back of your neck, preferably starting before the motion sickness hits...
  • DIY Tummy Tamer Tumbler:
    • Fill a large glass/tumbler with water and ice
    • Add 1 drop DiGize Vitality, 2-3 drops Lemon Vitality
    • Option to add 1 drop Peppermint Vitality
    • Drink as tolerated, ideally start before the motion sickness gets too bad
  • DIY Motion Tamer Roll-on:
    • 10-20 drops each Peppermint, Ginger, Frankincense
    • Carrier of choice
    • Roll over your abdomen liberally and frequently
  • Hydration with minerals/electrolytes: Try to start the trip super hydrated and maintain that as much as possible throughout. Add Mineral Essence and Lemon Vitality to your water, bring the Lavender Lemonade Vitality Drops with you on a plane, or even mix in AminoWise to a bottle of water.


Are you always ready for a day (or week!) in the sunshine and sand? Here's what you can pack in your beach bags:
  • NingXia Red packets: freeze them overnight for a slushie-like treat
  • Lavender Lemonade Vitality Drops + AminoWise: to keep you hydrated in the sun and heat
  • Thieves Hand Sanitizer & Spray: for clean hands, e-readers, toys, phones, etc!
  • Lavender Lip Balm: great for lips, cheeks, noses and makes a great carrier stick too!
  • Peppermint roller: to roll over the back of your neck like instant air conditioning when you get a little too hot!
  • Lavender essential oil: again, for ALL the things! Any kind of skin need, grab your Lavender.
  • Seedlings Baby Wipes: for clean hands, even in the sand! Easily remove all the sand from everyone's feet, legs, and hands with Seedlings Baby Wipes!
Here's to an incredible summer of travel and memories!!

Emotions, those summer smells and more...

That certainly was a pretty brief glimpse of summer we got, wasn't it!? 92 degrees one day, upper 40s the next...

I'm sure we will see more of those summery days, though, so take a peek at a couple diys and this month's free gifts you'll receive when you order products you are using in your home every day! 

Lemongrass, Tea Tree, Rosemary, Myrtle, Lavandin, Citronella work together in this blend to help neutralize odors, purify the air, support skin and hair, soothe and calm, cleansing, freshen laundry by putting it on those wool laundry balls, insect annoyances…
Uplifting and refreshing, purifies and cleanses negative emotions and vibrations. Spray or diffuse some in an emotionally charged room or work space, especially if there is anger, violence or chaotic energy. Use as you would Sage or Western Red cedar.
Fantastic if you need support to see your patterning related to abandonment, rejection, or the fear of being alone. It can calm anger, conflict and restore order.
Dilute 50:50, apply on feet, ears, temples, chakras. Inhale directly or diffuse.
Uplifting, centering, relaxing, Bergamot is part of what makes the blends of Joy and Gentle Baby two favorites.
It releases the need to be in complete control, allowing you to flow with life, releasing those fears of the unknown, and bringing the ability to relax and trust the universe to handle the details of your life situations. Simply place it on your heart to release this patterning and embrace those relationships with others…and yourself.
Use 50:50, apply on chakras, wrists, neck; diffuse.
Bergamot is also what gives Earl Grey Tea it’s unique flavor. The vitality version (same) has a great citrus flavor that can be used in baking, seafood, sauces and dressings. You can also add a few drops to a veggie cap with your favorite carrier oil and knock it back. Or add it to water, juice, Ningxia Red or other drink.
Two ingredients – MSM (an organic form of dietary sulfur) and Ningxia Wolfberry fruit (prebiotic).
Healthier hair, smoother skin, stronger nails, cells that regenerate themselves cleaner and stronger for better mobility, more stable immune and circulatory systems, liver support to help filter blood and detox system, detox whole body and give more energy? All this plus more with organic natural sulfur amino acids in your diet.
Sulfur responsible for vital amino acids in your body that support healthy cells, skin, hormones and enzymes. It is naturally found in all plant and animal cells and its amino acids help our body produce glutathione. Glutathione increases energy, improves mental clarity and focus, helps support proper immune function, improves quality of sleep, supports athletic recovery, slows down aging process, detoxifies the cells an d liver, increases keratin production in skin, hair nails and more.

Many people claim have sulfur allergy – but you cannot be allergic to sulfur as that would be like saying you are allergic to water since your body naturally produces sulfur. Sulfa is commonly mixed up with sulfur and also doctors may refer to “sulfur allergies”, but they mean specifically the pharmaceutical called sulfonamide.

 What are you most excited about?? 

I'd love to hear about a topic or two, or ten, that you are interested in learning about! Simply reply and let me know!