Could something so simple impact your health so much?

Recently I shared this graphic on social media: 
I got a lot of responses to two of these items... 
Any guesses which two?? 
If you picked sunglasses and air pods, you are right.  
While sunglasses may look cool, you may be surprised at what they can be doing to your body... 

Every cell in your body communicates with every other cell through light. The natural spectrum of light that hits our eyes has so many incredible frequencies that modern science has not discovered them all yet. 
Simply put, “sunglasses are cellular suicide”. (Richard Wilson) 
Sunglasses remove the UV rays, altering the natural spectrum of light entering your eyes, which can create disease. 
These frequencies and spectrum of light feed your pineal and pituitary glands, letting your brain know it is sunny out so your skin can prepare for direct sunlight and making vitamin D. Wearing sunglasses blocks your pineal gland, tricking your brain into thinking it is cloudy out, so your skin is not prepared for sun exposure. This is one of the main reasons people get skin cancer...not because of the sun but because of the glasses...  
Although the pineal gland isn’t fully understood yet, it is understood that you don’t want to mess with it... 
Other downsides of sunglasses include eye fatigue. Not only do your eyes need sunlight but forcing them to look through “tinted” glasses, they must work harder, putting them under stress. 
Your body may not produce as much Vitamin D. Why does that matter? Vitamin D is important for your bones, muscle function and your immune system health.  
Not getting that natural light in your eyes may also impact your hormonal health. Sunshine in the morning, without glasses, activates your pituitary gland telling it to release hormones that get your thyroid gland producing its hormones; stimulates your endocrine system; creates those happy hormones dopamine and serotonin; as well as supports metabolic, neurotransmitter and cardiovascular health.  
And then there is melatonin - a powerful antioxidant and anti-cancer hormone that supports blood sugar, cravings, addictions and even stress. It has been called the “king of the hormones”. Having trouble sleeping?? Lack of sun exposure on your eyes can lead to a disruption in your circadian rhythm, that natural sleep/wake cycle, again tied to melatonin.  
It has also been reported that sunglasses may promote mental health disorders and depression. According to Ayurveda’s law, “like increases like”, so the literal darkness of sunglasses may increase emotional darkness. Whereas sunlight, on your body and hitting your bare eyes, creates natural opioids, beta endorphins, that boost your emotional and mental state.  
This is not to say, however, that if you need to wear sunglasses, or are in a very bright environment like snow, not to wear them! There are some medical conditions that cause hyper-sensitivity to bright light, resulting in headaches, fatigue, inflammation, etc. Don’t strain your eyes, but you can strengthen them by allowing them to take in the full spectrum of natural light over time. Wearing a cool hat is always an option. ;) 

It is suggested to get outside at least 50 minutes a day, whether it is sunny or not, letting that daylight into your eyes and onto your body, especially early in the morning.   
Don't forget about Illumineyes and Ningxia Red Be sure to check out the 14 Day Ningxia Resetif you are ready to take your wellness to a whole new level with a community of others along on the same journey. 
What else surprised you on this list? 

Let's talk detox baths...and a 14 day reset

Detox baths can be an incredible way to help your body through acute needs, help with skin issues, or help you and your family get back above the wellness line as soon as possible!
A perfect tool when you or someone in your family is feeling your defenses are going down...or they have already been breached, or are fighting an acute skincare or muscle need. Give your body comfort, support and a little TLC.

The combination of essential oils, baking soda, Epsom salts or magnesium flakes combined in hot water can help flush impurities from your body, helping you process and detox from those invaders, environmental exposures and more. So simple, too. Simply use very warm water, sit for 40-60 minutes, and ideally, sweat during that time. ;

This is a super easy way to use essential oils and also help give your body some magnesium! Magnesium flakes are less processed so those are a great choice,, but epsom salts will work as well.
* 1 cup magnesium flakes (
* ½ cup high quality baking soda ( (optional)
* 20-40 drops essential oils of choice 
* Simply add oils to magnesium and mix well. 
* To use, run hot water into the container of salts and let it overflow into the tub!
When adding essential oils to detox baths, you can use your own judgment on the number of drops, but remember that you are using this for an acute need (versus a relaxing soak!). Because of that you want to use enough oil to give your immune, respiratory, or other body system the boost that it needs. For most detox baths, we use around 30 drops of essential oil. When you are making detox baths for your little ones,  usually use about 20 drops of essential oil will suffice. 
The goal with a detox bath is to sit in the bath with the water as hot/warm as comfortably possible. Ideally you are sweating as you soak so that your body is processing (detoxing!) the invaders! You want to sit in the bath for 40 minutes or so, up to an hour. The first 20 minutes will give your body time to remove toxins from your system while the last 20 to 40 minutes will allow you to absorb the minerals in the water and help you emerge from the bath feeling rejuvenated.
Some favorite oils for detox baths include:
* Cypress, Idaho Blue Spruce, Frankincense, Copaiba
* Dorado Azul, Ravintsara, Eucalyptus
* Cilantro Vitality, Lemon, Oregano
* Purification, Thieves, Aroma Siez

Here is a recipe you will swear by for acute immune needs! If you don't have all these oils, use what you have on hand. Feel free to play with the number of drops for a recipe that is exactly what you want! Also,  use tepid water in the presence of a fever for even more comfort.
* 1 cup magnesium flakes (
* ½ cup high quality baking soda ( (optional)
* 15 drops Ravintsara
* 6 drops Frankincense
* 6 drops Idaho Blue Spruce
* 3 drops Dorado Azul
* 2 drops Eucalyptus Radiata
* 1 drop Wintergreen
* Add oils to Epsom salt and mix well, then run hot water into the jar of salts/oils and overflow into the tub to mix! 

This curated set of essential oils is a powerful tool for promoting health, wellness and vitality – both proactively and for acute needs since the oils included can be incredible tools for healing! We love using these oils in rollers, massages, and in detox baths.
* 1 cup magnesium flakes (
* ½  cup high quality baking soda ( (optional)
* 3-5 drops each Oregano, Thyme, Basil, Cypress, Wintergreen, Marjoram, Peppermint, Valor and Aroma Siez essential oils

If you lived through 2020, then you know that Pine, Geranium, and Lemon are huge players in our arsenal for ‘that which shall not be named.' Grab this recipe to help provide comfort and support for your immune system!
* 1 cup magnesium flakes (
* ½ cup high quality baking soda ( (optional)
* 10 drops each Lemon, Geranium
* 15-20 drops Pine

This is a great winter time go-to. Adding oatmeal to the bath is helpful for more acute skin needs, especially for children. Think conventional oat baths but without the fragrance!
* 1 cup organic oats, ground (
* ¼ cup organic powdered milk ( (or coconut milk) ( (or goat milk) (
* 1 Tbsp liquid castile soap (
* 2 tsp Vitamin E oil (
* 10-15 drops Frankincense
* 5 drops Lavender
* 5 drops Helichrysum

This one is incredible for both the skin and for joints! An ACV soak with magnesium is a great way to support active lifestyles.
* ¼ cup ¼ cup magnesium flakes (
* ¼ cup organic oats (, ground
* 2 Tbsp sweet almond oil (
* 10 drops each Cypress, Idaho Blue Spruce, Lavender
* ¼ cup raw organic apple cider vinegar (
* Mix together and add to bath water. Then add ACV to the water and gently mix.

This is a great recipe to tweak for your little ones! You can alter the oils as needed for specific issues, or you can add even less oils for younger children. If your child has trouble staying in the bath, consider reading to them or playing music while they soak!
* 1 cup magnesium flakes (
* ½ cup high quality baking soda ( (optional)
* 15 drops Frankincense
* 5 drops Lavender
* 5 drops Oregano
* Simply add oils to magnesium and mix well. 
* To use, run hot water into the container of salts and let it overflow into the tub!

Detox baths are a really wonderful tool to have in your toolbox and can benefit every need that you have. Use the basic recipe above and customize it based on your specific issue at hand:
* Muscle love → Cypress, Idaho Blue Spruce, Oregano, Aroma Siez
* Aches away → Peppermint, Lavender, Clove, Cypress
* Immune needs → Oregano, Lemon, Frankincense, Thieves
* Shark week → Dragon Time, Copaiba, Aroma Siez
* Belly woes → Ginger, Peppermint + Lemon, DiGize
* General detox → Frankincense, Lemon, Aroma Siez, Lavender
Did you catch the news!? We have a brand new experience kit - the Make a Shift Reset Kit! It's available to everyone this month as a one time or Loyalty order. After that, it will only be available to new members of the YL family. Want to join me in a 14 day reset?? I'll be starting again January 15...Snag your kit, reply, and let me know you are in!!

What's the best that could happen??