When's the last time...

Time is seemingly slipping away...

When’s the last time you took a few minutes to reflect on the blessings received, lessons learned and growth that took place in the last month?

Days have been filled with memories, laughter, moments, treasures, mistakes, uncertainty, celebration, difficulty, opportunity and last times.  

Beautiful purple tulips from my girl for all the last first times we are facing together.

Received a pen crafted by my son with a material never before used to create a pen, unique and one of a kind...just like me...
Our angel babies would be 13 years old...

Long phone calls, breakfast dates, dinner invites, protection, baseball and softball games, support and a huge hug when I needed it most.  

Memories of days long gone with tears gently streaming down my cheeks, as I watched my dad take off in his plane after he let two great-grandsons check out his plane and fielded their questions...
A spend the night with a baby raccoon chattering in our entryway until it could be transported to a sanctuary.

NC road trip on a holiday weekend to surprise one of my girls! Magical from beginning to end, despite Snapchat ratting us out ten minutes before we arrived,  and the feeling of being in a snow globe that was filled with lightning instead of snow on our trip home...but the surprise baby shower was a success and I even made huge progress with a very shy little grand, gladly receiving the hugs and dandelions she offered.

Unexpected opportunities...and challenges.

Mother’s Day shared with my parents and the Maine crew.

79 lives touched from my work at the spa.

Slowly learning to trust and receive, enjoying the journey more instead of trying to control every moment...

Yes, the days can be long, but those years? Not quite so much...  

There will come a day it will be the last time you tuck your child in, brush their hair, read to them, transport them here and there, cheer them on at a game, see them every morning, hear your name hollered 757 times a day...you will have all the quiet time you wish for now...

What are you blessings and/or lessons are you grateful for?

A little respiration support for you...

From sniffles and sneezes and stuffiness, respiratory needs are a big one for most people, and we all need some help in this area from time to time. Whether it's seasonal air quality issues, blooming flowers or more acute needs, we have everything you need to know about respiratory support right here! 
These oils and products are mainstays when it comes to all things respiratory. Grab a few and build your own support cabinet! For the oils, you can diffuse them alone or in any combination (see below for blend ideas!), make them into a roller, or even use them as dietary supplements as desired.
Thieves Chest Rub
This plant-based favorite is a much better option than conventional chest rubs. CLICK HERE to read an interesting article on your childhood chest rub... Thieves chest rub soothes sniffles, coughs, and congestion for your whole family and the super easy to use bottle doesn't even require you to get your hands messy!
R.C. stands for "respiratory congestion." This blend contains: Spruce, Cyprus, and three types of Eucalyptus oils (E. globulus, E. radiata, and E. citriodora). This oil opens up your chest and is wonderful to diffuse with lemon to work up anything that is building up in the body.
A blend of ravintsara (camphor), Lemon, Wintergreen, Peppermint and Eucalyptus Radiata that is an incredible chest rub by itself. Raven contains the active ingredient found in OTC chest rubs, but it is in pure essential oil form, so you don't have to worry about petroleum or other toxins! 

This gentle, soothing blend of Eucalyptus, Palo Santo, R.C. is prediluted and perfect for little ones age two and older.  Don’t think this is only for the kiddos!! Some of my favorites are in the KidScents line. Don’t miss out on them! 
Another great option for littles and not-so-littles is Peace & Calming. Soothing, peaceful and helps break up that chest congestion.
Breathe Again
This blend contains four different types of eucalyptus which are known for their ability to help relax airways and support the respiratory system. There is even an easy peasy pre-diluted roll on for more on the go convenience!
Lemon is a wonderful natural mucolytic, making it a great choice for respiratory support! Cleansing and purifying, it also supports your immune system, so you get added benefits when using it for respiratory needs.
To make these into rollers, triple the recipe (or more, up to 60 drops) for a 10mL roller bottle, add carrier and voila! Roll onto the wrists, neck, chest, back or where desired.
After School: 4 drops each Thieves, R.C., Lemon
Happy Noses: 4 drops each Lemon, Purification, Lavender
Breathe Easy: 5 drops Raven, 4 drops Lavender, 3 drops Dorado Azul
Sniffle Ease: 4 drops Raven or R.C., 3 drops Frankincense, 3 drops Idaho Blue Spruce, 2 drops Lemon
Immune Boost: 4 drops Oregano, 3 drops each Lemon, Frankincense, 2 drops Lavender

If now is the time for you to consider your Young Living journey, simply CLICK HEREto create your own free account. Then you are free to explore and learn at your own pace. Be sure to use the code SHAREYL for 10% off your first time order of 50pv or more!