What if you...

Let go of the rope. 
Loosen your grip. 
Relax. Release. Trust. Receive. 
Know that you’re all right.  You’re okay. 
Control is a facade. 
It is not real. 
It is a lie. 
It is deceptive.  
It is not needed. 
Relax your grip a bit more. 
Feel the rope slipping. 
Feel the weight, it’s scratchiness, sliding to the floor. 
Let it all go. 
Let it fall. 
Let all the anxieties, fears, unknowns, frustrations, desires, hurts, problems, emotions slip away, 
Opening space to be, to breathe, to experience life from new eyes, a new perspective, 
Allowing yourself to receive all that is meant for you. 
As your hands tingle and the rope crumples to the ground
Feel the freedom, the release, the awareness, the possibilities. 
Now that your hands are free to do something different, 
Now that they are free from the burden and discomfort of holding that rope,
What are you free to create?
To be?
To do? 
To receive? 
If you simply drop the rope...

Think your colon isn't important?

Dr. LeAnne Deardeuff shares in her books, Ultimate Balance and Inner Transformations Using Essential Oils, that according to Chinese acupuncture, fall is the best time to cleanse and support your colon and lungs. 
This week, we will look at supporting the colon. 
Also known as the bowel or large intestine, the colon is home to 100 trillion necessary and helpful microbes, is 3-4 inches in diameter and its five-foot length is packed into your body. It is never empty and absorbs a quart of water a day. 
Dr. Deardeuff suggests that if you have never done a cleanse before, always start with the colon, regardless of time of year. 
If the colon can’t handle the foods that it is given in the fall, they will rot and putrefy over the winter months, stagnating in the colon. 
A toxic colon can lead to prolapse, infection, adhesions and more. A study of over 5000 cases has concluded that every doctor should realize that intestinal toxins are a primary and contributing cause of many disorders and health problems. 
“The colon is the sewer system of the body, but with neglect and abuse, it becomes a cesspool of toxins that spill over into the body.” (Dr. William Hunter) 

A few signs that your colon could use a little support include abdominal pain; swelling or bloating; constipation; diarrhea; fatigue; mucus in stool; excessive and foul-smelling gas; bad breath or strong body odor; skin outbreaks; fungus or yeast infection; anal itching; a coated tongue, less than one bowel movement a day; hard stools; rectal bleeding; cramping; or weight loss. 
Staying hydrated by drinking enough water is important to colon health. It is suggested that you drink at least half your weight in ounces of water per day.  
Do you meet that goal daily?  
Ways to support your colon include eating a wide range of foods, limiting ultra-processed foods, drinking water, exercising, eating slowly, consuming fermented foods along with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, and nuts, and limiting sugar. 

In Inner Transformations Using Essential Oils, Dr. Deardeuff shares a quick guide to colon cleansing using Young Living products. She also suggests doing the Master Cleanse and reading Tom Woloshyn’s book, Beyond the Master Cleanse. 

Emotions that may be behind physical issues with the colon include confusion; anger; crying; stagnation; you can’t do anything right; wanting to run away and hide; feeling misunderstood; struggling to see other people’s points of view; or being super sensitive.  
Positive emotions to embrace might be release, moving forward, love, compassion.  
Oils that support the colon include DiGize, Release, Into the Future, Inner Child, Sara, Trauma Life, Transformation, Highest potential, Peppermint and Fennel. 
For fun, let’s take a peek at the emotions supported by each of these oils from The Pathway to Emotional Healing by Jen McCraw. 
DiGize – disillusioned, indecisive 
Release – burdened, denial of success, fear of losing control, guilt, grief, holding back, loss of identity, overprotective, rejected, rejected by father, self-hatred, self-loathing, self-pity, worry, wrong. 
Into the Future –fear of the future, fear of movement, fear of the past, negative. 
Inner Child – fear of parent, guilt, rejected by father, suppressed crying. 
SARA – abused, terrified/terror. 
Trauma Life – panic, terrified/terror, traumatized. 
Transformation –confined, inferior, unloved. 
Highest Potential – irritable, loss of control, self-doubt, weary. 
Peppermint –apathy, failure, fear of dependence, rigid, shock. 
Fennel – giving up. 

This is one of the reasons I love using the Zyto Link scan before Raindrop sessions. It gives us a sneak peek into how the client’s overall body systems are doing, as well as a look at the emotions under the surface. I like to look at the emotions behind the top oils that the scan recommends as, according to Zyto, the emotions always correlate with the top products. 

Curious to see what would show up on your scan? Try it out here!!

"Trust your gut..." 
What does it mean?? 
It's said to be a 6th sense, a hunch, insight from somewhere deep inside, reminding you to be true to yourself. 
What does it mean to you? 

Be well

A pen can change your world...

Unique. Irreplaceable. Valuable. Treasured.  
This pen tells the story of me...and you... 
It arrived at the perfect time. 
From an unexpected source. 
So many things had to come together for this pen to be created. People had to connect. Timing had to work out. Moments had to happen. Failures. Growth. Desires. Celebrations. Life. 
Our son created this fountain pen. It is truly the only one of its kind.  
There is only one man in the world creating the patented alloy that it is made of.  
This alloy has never been made into a pen...before now. The others have made knives, brass knuckles or coin casting, but never a pen.  
Even the ink it holds is made by another chemist who mixes and sells his own inks.  
But the best part?  
My husband bought it...for me.  
The man, who years ago, described a teddy bear in perfect detail that he thought about buying me...but didn’t...bought our son’s most expensive pen, one that is possibly the first in a small series...for me. 
How does this pen tell the story of us? 
Sit for a moment and consider all the circumstances that happened, people that needed to connect, the timing and synchronicities involved for those moments to happen.  
Think about the struggles, the challenges, the victories, the failures, the heartaches, the growth, desires, celebrations, for us to be born, here, now... 
Like this pen, we are unique, way more than one in a million. We were chosen – the egg chose which sperm to allow in. That may be more detail than you wanted, but that adds so more to our depth, our purpose, our be-ing.  
I challenge you today to re-visit the story of you. Who your ancestors were, how they lived, how they met, what stories they told, what created who they were, that ultimately led to who you are... 
You are uniquely you.  

But...what if...

Oh, but what if...

What if you focused on what you want more of, instead of what you don't want?

More always comes...good or bad...the universe is limitless...more always comes...

What if instead of letting one thing start the downward emotional spiral, you let one thing start the spiral upward instead?? Both options are always available...

What if you choose not to struggle? What if life could be easy?

What if you focus on your desires instead of your lack?

What if life is happening for you and you learn to ask the question, "Now what? What do I do now?" and going for magic and everything you want?

What if you fully believed you were born worthy and nothing has or will change that?

What if it is always the best day ever!?

Like attracts like, my friend. Joy attracts joy. Love attracts love...

What are you attracting??

(Melanie Ann Layer - Prosperity Codes - Compound Effect)

How will your story be told?

Your whole life will ultimately be summed up in a newspaper column…a page or maybe a page and a half if it is printed out…along with a snapshot of you in a brief moment in time…

Regardless of how well you lived, loved, served, worked…a page…

It will never be able to accurately or completely capture your essence; your laugh; smile; impact; gaze; that twinkle in your eye when you were a bit mischievous; or the way your chin puckered when you were sad. It won’t describe your feelings; your touch; your smell; the good times; the challenging times; your inspirational and touching times; the mundane and boring times; or even the ugly times. Nor will it convey the quiet assurances; the hugs; words of instruction and wisdom; your presence…

A single page…

How will your story be told in hindsight?

(Dedicated to two very special men that forever impacted my world - Marty Albertson and Dr. Thomas Farrell (pictured above)

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