Early Summer Organ support - next up - Adrenal and Heart support - pt. 3

Who hasn't dealt with adrenal issues?? It's so common...

And, I'm pretty sure all of us want to keep our heart functioning properly... ;)

Here we go!

Emotions – lack of energy; fatigue; unbalanced or unstable; paranoia; panic attacks; fear; anxiety; stuck in fight or flight; depression; emptiness; worthlessness. 

Adrenal glands are also known as suprarenal glands and are small almond shaped glands that sit on top of your kidneys. They produce hormones that help regulate metabolism, blood pressure, your immune system, response to stress, and more. 

Signs of adrenal dysfunction include losing weight, weakness, extreme fatigue, nausea or vomiting, low blood pressure, craving salt, or dizziness when you stand up. 

To help overworked adrenal glands, it is suggested to eat within an hour after you wake up; don’t eat processed foods; avoid high impact exercise (sounds easy, right?); get lots of sleep and fresh air; B vitamins; say yes to protein, and no to caffeine. 
Chakra and Color: Solar Plexus, Yellow 
Meridian: Triple Warmer 
Time of day: 9-11pm 
Opposite organ: Spleen, Pancreas 

Oils to apply on the adrenal vitaflex points might be Endoflex, En-R-Gee, Hope, Surrender, Nutmeg or Clove.
Emotions – self-criticism; worthless; pushing yourself further than you can handle; not listening to your heart; unfulfilled; belief in strain and stress; loneliness; not enough; fear of intimacy; scattered; wanting to please; relentless; drained; unenthusiastic; depressed; heavy hearted; rejected; and lonely. 
The heart represents the center of love and security, and problems with it indicate longstanding emotional challenges. 
The heart is responsible for pumping oxygenated blood, hormones, nutrients, and other substances to other parts of the body; receiving deoxygenated blood and carrying metabolic waste products, like carbon dioxide, from the body and getting it to the lungs for oxygenation; and for maintaining blood pressure. 
Natural ways to support your heart include making healthy eating choices, being active, maintain a healthy weight, quit smoking, avoid secondhand smoke, manage stress, don’t overeat, and…don’t forget the chocolate. 
Chakra and Color: Heart, Green 
Meridian: Heart 
Time of day: 11am to 1pm 
Opposite organ: Gall Bladder 

Oils to support your heart include Rutavala, Aroma Life, Valor, Joy, Forgiveness, Ylang Ylang, Cypress or Jasmine.

Be watching next week for all things reproductive support for both men and women.