Early summer organ support series part 1

“The power that made the body can heal the body”. (BJ Palmer) We are powerful creators, and we create either by default or intention.  
Each organ has a season when it is best to cleanse and build, so over the next few weeks I will be sharing about the organs whose favorite time of year is early summer. These organs can be cleansed and supported any time of the year, but it is done more effectively during this early summer season. 
Early summer organs we will be touching on are Pituitary, Thyroid, Adrenals, Heart, Small Intestines, and reproductive organs, using the Zyto scan guides I have written along with LeAnne Dearduff’s book, Ultimate Balance, and Secret Language of Your Body by Inna Segal. 
In Chinese Medicine, a meridian is a flow of energy that runs on a defined path in your body.  
Midday/Midnight law in Chinese Medicine tells us that the opposite organ is getting its energy exactly 12 hours later than the organ you are working with. One organ is resting, the other is receiving its highest energy.  
Many times, an organ may be acting up, but it is the opposite organ that is struggling, or it may even be stealing the energy of the other organ.  
It is suggested to work on the opposite organ at the same time as the one showing symptoms as this strengthens the energy flow to the organ while it is resting. 

Each organ is situated within one or more chakras and each chakra is associated with a color, and each color has a different frequency. If possible, try wearing the color of the organ over that chakra so light filtering into that area through the color will also help support the organ. 

This week we will start with the small intestine...

Emotions – feeling abandoned; insecure; vulnerable; confused; procrastination; scattered; stuck. 
20-25 feet long, coiled inside the lower portion of your belly, beneath your stomach, and surrounded by your large intestine, the small intestine (aka colon or large bowel) is a middle finger width section of your digestive tract between your stomach and colon, where food is broken down into liquid and the nutrients are absorbed. Any waste moves on to the large intestine. 
Some symptoms of issues with this system include diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss, malnutrition, lower body swelling, constipation, gas, vomiting, loud sounds from your belly or blood in your stool or vomit. 
Foods that may challenge your small intestine are coconut, corn, crab, celery, fried foods, lobster, mushrooms, nuts, popcorn, raw vegetables, shrimp, processed foods, refined sugar, gluten, dairy products, red meat, artificial sweeteners, alcohol. 
You can support this system by choosing probiotic foods like yogurt, apples, kefir, ginger and fermented foods. Other food choices include whole grains, leafy greens, lean proteins, avocado, asparagus, pineapple, onion, garlic, bone broth, apple cider vinegar, artichokes, leeks, bananas, honey, lentils, and kimchi.  
Reducing stress, avoiding antibiotics, exercising and better sleep habits may also help support this system. 
Chakra and Color: Sacral, Orange 
Meridian: Small Intestine 
Time of day: 1-3pm 
Opposite organ: Liver 

Apply oils on the Vitaflex points indicated below! Dr. Dearduff recommends DiGize, Joy, Hope, Harmony, Purification, Sensation, Peppermint, or Fennel. 

I'd love to hear what you think! Reply and let me know!

90% of all dis-ease is caused by...

Medical research estimates as much as 90% of all illness and dis-ease is related to emotions – those little beach balls of feeling you are so “expertly” holding below the surface…until one or more wiggle their way free…and we all know what happens then, right??

Do we let those emotional beach balls just ride the waves after they have finally escaped?

Of course, not…

We shuffle right over, promptly stuffing them right back under the water, while offering a weak apology through the embarrassment of it all and going on about our day…

Can you relate??

Emotion = e-motion = energy in motion…you haven’t destroyed it by stuffing it down…you have simply stored it away in an organ that resonates at the same frequency. Anger can get stored away in your liver, grief in your lungs, resentment in your joints or even bitterness in your gallbladder, and these can manifest into a variety of unwanted dis-eases, pains and inconveniences.

You may have even been born with these emotions that have been passed down for generations just like your blue eyes, curly hair and that little dimple on your cheek.

Think about this - if a player gets injured on the court or field during a sporting event, all action stops. It gets quiet. Participants take a knee. When the injured player gets up, everyone claps, showing their support and encouragement. When is the last time the world stopped and took a proverbial knee when you got the emotional wind knocked out of you? It doesn’t happen, and because it doesn’t bleed or leave a bruise or require a cast, we don’t take the time to acknowledge it either. So, we stuff them, ignore them, seemingly forget about them…until we can’t, and our body starts reminding us they are still there through those little, and not so little, aches, pains, sleepless nights, bouts of heartburn, infections, hearing loss and more.

Emotional balance and release is my favorite way to use Zyto Link scans. Awareness is 70+% of the healing process, so if you continue to release those trapped emotions using the recommended oils and products, that is a great start on your healing and wellness journey.

Zyto products are an incredible tool for helping you determine what your physical body needs for support, but have you considered the ways it can help you emotionally, as well??

If you are interested in a scan, simply reply to this email and let me know.  

Are you playing the game of life to win?? *Upcoming CARE Basic Seminar*

Have you ever looked at your life through the lens of a video game??
It’s a wild adventure!! Just spent five days doing just that on a masterclass with Melanie Ann Layer.
My friend, don’t be a non-playing character (NPC) in your own life. Be an active player. To win, you must play.
Play to change your life.
Play to win and leave something beautiful behind. 
You only lose when you power off…
What if you truly learn to play this game of your life well? Playing with everything you have? 
Playing to win and win big and enjoying all the moments along the way??
After all, you created the game. You wrote the guidebook. 
You created the obstacles, gremlins, monsters, detours…
You even sprinkled in cute little hearts, shiny gold coins, a little extra life force for the rough spots you would encounter along the way. 
You determined the level of skill, patience, commitment, and focus needed to be fully ready to move to the next level.
You added in that duality for a little extra something…that frustration that keeps drawing your competitive spirit back in for the next try…the little happy celebrations that give you the pick me up you need to even consider attempting the next level…
Can you lean in, staying focused, committed and determined to have just as much fun in this daily game of life as you did all those nights staying up until 3am just trying to beat the little gremlins on the screen of your favorite game, laughing with friends until you cried, cheering each other on, teasing one another a wee bit, loving the moments, taking the experience and wisdom with you to the next levels, but never forgetting the cherished memories you created along the way?
Player One – are you ready?

It's MY birthday month and I want to sprinkle some of that birthday love your way!
Here’s how we’ll make this month extra special…
Throughout March, for every session you have with me, your name will go into my first ever Birthday Drawing!
If you help spread the birthday cheer by referring a friend, and they have a session in March, you DOUBLE your chances with another entry into the draw!
On April 1st, I'll be drawing 2 winners who'll have the delightful dilemma of choosing between a Mini Sound Table Session (a $60 value) or 36-Minute Ionic Foot Detox experience (a $55 value). Relaxation and healing…and it’s my treat!
My schedule is twinkling with celebrations this birthday month, so if you want in on the fun, don't wait! Message or drop a comment below to secure your spot. 
Are you ready to dive into a month of longer days, wellness, and a little sprinkle of birthday magic?

I am hosting another CARE Basic Seminar April 6 and 7 in Skowhegan! Are you looking for new tools for your wellness toolbox? Vitaflex and Raindrop might just be in! Whole body and emotional support at the cellular level. I have used these tools repeatedly with my kiddos and haven't had any complaints yet. ;)  

Interested? Simply reply and let me know!
Want to learn more about each of this month’s Gifts with Purchase??
Do you have your own Lifesteps account yet?? It is a treasure trove of information, challenges, and diffuser blends! LOL

Diffusing FAQs!

Did you know that diffusing is one of the easiest health habits you can start?? Immune, sleep, respiratory, emotional support along with cleaning the air in your home…not to mention the incredible smell combinations you can create!! 
There are three major ways to use essential oils - topically (on your skin), ingesting, or aromatically (diffusing, or inhaling right from the bottle.) Diffusing is super effective for emotions, mental or respiratory support, rest and relaxation. 
All you need to start diffusing essential oils is a diffuser, a little bit of water, and some Young Living essential oils!
Each diffuser will have a fill line on the inside, so just add water to the fill line, add your oils of choice, replace the lid and turn on the diffuser. Instant transformation! You can place a diffuser virtually anywhere - your home, office, even your car! 
Feeling a little stressed with early morning traffic? Try Peppermint +Stress Away in an usb diffuser (https://amzn.to/3wo3Bxo) that sits right in your vehicle cup holder. 
Need some help calming your thoughts at bedtime? Lavender, Cedarwood & Vetiver are your friends. (Put your diffuser right by your bed!). 
Feeling a little stuffy? Diffuse Raven, Lemon and Frankincense (get extra oomph for diffusing while you shower - oils + steam!). 
Want a festive atmosphere without the toxins in wall plugs and candles? Fire up that diffuser with a seasonal scent! Cinnamon bark, Clove and Orange are great in the fall/winter, and we love Lavender, Lemon and Lime in the spring/summer!
Quick tip! If you don't have a diffuser or have access to a wall plug/USB outlet, grab a tissue or some cotton balls and drop a few drops of oil onto them. Place them in an air vent or under a seat in a vehicle or anywhere you can to create a passive diffuser! 

Are you wondering how breathing in some Lavender can change your mood??
Breathing the oils sends messages to your brain through your cranial nerves. The olfactory (sense of smell) cranial nerve ends in the brain right next to the organs of the limbic system - the system that controls mood, emotions and memory. So inhaling oils triggers that area of your brain, helping you rest, reset, and recharge. And diffusing is a great way to get the benefit of these oils for more than one individual! Play with combinations to find the ones you love and that are the most beneficial to you!

How long can I diffuse at a time?
I could have diffusers going in our home pretty much 24/7. In our large, open areas I  don't keep track of how long I diffuse. At bedtime I use the intermittent setting on the diffusers so they run all night long! If you are diffusing in a room where doors are closed (ie kids bedrooms), simply add less oils and use the intermittent setting. Don't overthink it!
How many drops do I use?
That will depend on your diffuser! Larger ones that cover more area will require more drops. Here are the current diffusers available from Young Living:
Duet diffuser uses no water, simply add the oil bottles of choice! 
Aria diffuser: 15-25 drops essential oil, covers about 430 sq. feet
Desert Mist diffuser: 8-12 drops essential oil, covers about 320 sq. feet
DewDrop and Rainstone diffusers: 5–8 drops of essential oil, covers approximately 320 sq. ft.
Sprout the Puppy diffuser: 8-20 drops essential oil
Find info on each of the Young Living diffusers RIGHT HERE    

Do I need to clean my diffuser?
It is recommended that you clean your diffuser for best results. 
For the Aria, simply wipe it down after every use with a clean, dry cloth + wash the glass bowl either by hand or in the dishwasher as needed. 
For other diffusers, it is recommended that you clean the ultrasonic plate and lid after each use. 
If oil begins to build up on the ultrasonic plate, gently wipe it off using a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol, and if oil begins to build up on the lid, gently wipe it off using mild soap and water only.

Did you know you can turn the lights on and off and change the colors on the diffusers? Or that the kids' diffusers can also double as a sound machine? Depending on the diffuser simply press the button on the left to cycle through the light options.
Most diffusers also have 1-2 intermittent modes, which can be changed by pressing the button on the right to cycle through the options! This is one of our favorite ways to have oils diffusing while we sleep.
Check out the manual that comes with your diffuser or the product link above for specific info on each one!

What's your favorite diffuser blend??

Free immune and emotional support? Yes, please!

That time of year is fast approaching...you know the one...fast paced, cooler temps, more "under the weather" days and nights, stress and overwhelm sneak in...

How about a little free support on the emotional and wellness side?? Simply place your monthly order for typical products you use every day in your home, and you will find these goodies in your box when it arrives at your door! My absolute favorite way to shop! No crowds, no lines, no chemicals. ;)

With over 700 species of eucalyptus, as well as chemotypes, common names and different parts of the plant being marketed, it is easy to be confused and most companies are labeling their oil all under the genus of Eucalyptus. That is not only confusing, but it is misleading!
Let’s talk a little chemistry…I hated it in high school. but am absolutely fascinated by it now…

What is a Chemotype?  A chemotype (CT) is a designation that tells you that the species has different chemical constituents. This usually happens because the plant is grown in a different area with a distinct climate that changes the chemistry. 
It’s important to know what you are getting because different species (and chemotypes) may have different purposes. So the uses of eucalyptus will be different and some species may not be suitable for all uses!
So, how do you know what you are getting? Always purchase and use oils by the common name and genus species. And of course make sure they are pure! Remember 98% of oils out there are food and fragrance grade…not pure oils. Nan suggests we choose chemistry over confusion, dependability over deception, and quality over quantity or price, and reminds us to read your labels and don’t be “taken by a snake oil salesman”.  Remember 100% USP on your label means adulterated.

Back to Eucalyptus globulus –  commonly known as Eucalyptus. It is found in RC, Ortho Sport and OrthoEase. Commonly known to support your respiratory system and soothe those muscles after a workout, it may also promote emotional wellbeing by helping you become more aware when and how your proverbial buttons are being pushed…
Use diluted - 50:50 dilution then, apply several drops (2-4) on location, or diffuse
Animals may smell it directly from the bottle or place a drop or two in your palm, then smell. Or place a drop in your palm and pet head to toe.
Leave all the stresses of life behind, unless you are like me… You know my love/hate relationship with this one, right?? Hated it for many years…still have days I don’t like it…but I use it anyway… on those days I am drawn to it. Made the mistake of putting it behind my ears before we left for Boston to fly to NC for an incredible couple of days with my girls…just the smell stressed me out on top of the other stress…LOL More work to do…
Others love it for anger, calming, nervousness, argumentativeness, relaxation, restlessness, emotional and mental stress.
Six oils – copaiba (great for irritation), lavender, cedarwood, ocotea, lime and vanilla absolute. My friend, the individual abilities of these oils are incredible. It is worth taking a few minutes and looking into them!
Nan says it will help people and animals let go of learned and genetic patterns to mental, emotional, spiritual and physical stress, bringing awareness to what your sources of stress are and what needs to be changed. Remember, you can’t change what you are not aware of and awareness is 75% of the healing. 
Use neat, apply to neck, wrists, temples or anywhere else you are led. I prefer bottoms of my feet where I can’t smell it…

One of my absolute must haves… Immupro supports your body’s natural sleep rhythm with all the benefits of Melatonin, Wolfberries and Reishi Mushrooms along with chelated zinc, copper and selenium. Science shows chelated minerals are more easily absorbed by your body and we all know how important it is to support your immune system, especially with the coming of winter or when you are stressed.
Easy peasy to use, just chew 1 tablet before going to bed. If stressed, grab 2-4 tablets or 1 tablet as needed.


One of my all time favorites…love that the name of a blend tells us what it can do for us…Containing 19 different oils, Blue Tansy, Geranium, Frankincense, Neroli, Ylang Ylang, Bergamot, Coriander, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, German Chamomile, Blue Cypress, Tangerine, Spearmint, Lemon, Davana, Kaffir Lime, Ocotea, Jasmine absolute and Rose Otto oil, this is an excellent blend for so many things in the emotional category..
Calming and balancing, it may help with feelings of abandonment, argumentativeness, shame, betrayal, bitterness, blame, defeated, denial, despair, forgiveness, forgetfulness, frustration, hate, rejection, obsessiveness, overwhelmed, self pity, restlessness, sadness, and transitions.

Nan reminds us that accepting situations, whether physical or emotional, is something you face daily. Remember, when you resist or try to control situations, things usually become worse or blow up in your face!
Acceptance gently helps you to accept challenges so you can move forward instead of facing them with resistance, anger or resentment.

It asks you to be more open and attract new things into your life, whether that is people, relationships or even animals. If you tend to procrastinate or are in denial, Nan says this blend will help.

What are you most excited about receiving this month?? Don't have your free account yet? No worries! You can easily create your own free account and join our FB community. Simply use this link and choose "sign in". Click "create account: and enter your info and email. You should see my name as enroller and sponsor. Then you can explore and learn at your own pace, order if you please, and I am here to help along the way. Don't forget to use the code SHAREYL for 10% off your first time order of 50pv (point value) or more!

Holiday products are live! Have you snagged your favorites yet??

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