Think your colon isn't important?

Dr. LeAnne Deardeuff shares in her books, Ultimate Balance and Inner Transformations Using Essential Oils, that according to Chinese acupuncture, fall is the best time to cleanse and support your colon and lungs. 
This week, we will look at supporting the colon. 
Also known as the bowel or large intestine, the colon is home to 100 trillion necessary and helpful microbes, is 3-4 inches in diameter and its five-foot length is packed into your body. It is never empty and absorbs a quart of water a day. 
Dr. Deardeuff suggests that if you have never done a cleanse before, always start with the colon, regardless of time of year. 
If the colon can’t handle the foods that it is given in the fall, they will rot and putrefy over the winter months, stagnating in the colon. 
A toxic colon can lead to prolapse, infection, adhesions and more. A study of over 5000 cases has concluded that every doctor should realize that intestinal toxins are a primary and contributing cause of many disorders and health problems. 
“The colon is the sewer system of the body, but with neglect and abuse, it becomes a cesspool of toxins that spill over into the body.” (Dr. William Hunter) 

A few signs that your colon could use a little support include abdominal pain; swelling or bloating; constipation; diarrhea; fatigue; mucus in stool; excessive and foul-smelling gas; bad breath or strong body odor; skin outbreaks; fungus or yeast infection; anal itching; a coated tongue, less than one bowel movement a day; hard stools; rectal bleeding; cramping; or weight loss. 
Staying hydrated by drinking enough water is important to colon health. It is suggested that you drink at least half your weight in ounces of water per day.  
Do you meet that goal daily?  
Ways to support your colon include eating a wide range of foods, limiting ultra-processed foods, drinking water, exercising, eating slowly, consuming fermented foods along with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, and nuts, and limiting sugar. 

In Inner Transformations Using Essential Oils, Dr. Deardeuff shares a quick guide to colon cleansing using Young Living products. She also suggests doing the Master Cleanse and reading Tom Woloshyn’s book, Beyond the Master Cleanse. 

Emotions that may be behind physical issues with the colon include confusion; anger; crying; stagnation; you can’t do anything right; wanting to run away and hide; feeling misunderstood; struggling to see other people’s points of view; or being super sensitive.  
Positive emotions to embrace might be release, moving forward, love, compassion.  
Oils that support the colon include DiGize, Release, Into the Future, Inner Child, Sara, Trauma Life, Transformation, Highest potential, Peppermint and Fennel. 
For fun, let’s take a peek at the emotions supported by each of these oils from The Pathway to Emotional Healing by Jen McCraw. 
DiGize – disillusioned, indecisive 
Release – burdened, denial of success, fear of losing control, guilt, grief, holding back, loss of identity, overprotective, rejected, rejected by father, self-hatred, self-loathing, self-pity, worry, wrong. 
Into the Future –fear of the future, fear of movement, fear of the past, negative. 
Inner Child – fear of parent, guilt, rejected by father, suppressed crying. 
SARA – abused, terrified/terror. 
Trauma Life – panic, terrified/terror, traumatized. 
Transformation –confined, inferior, unloved. 
Highest Potential – irritable, loss of control, self-doubt, weary. 
Peppermint –apathy, failure, fear of dependence, rigid, shock. 
Fennel – giving up. 

This is one of the reasons I love using the Zyto Link scan before Raindrop sessions. It gives us a sneak peek into how the client’s overall body systems are doing, as well as a look at the emotions under the surface. I like to look at the emotions behind the top oils that the scan recommends as, according to Zyto, the emotions always correlate with the top products. 

Curious to see what would show up on your scan? Try it out here!!

"Trust your gut..." 
What does it mean?? 
It's said to be a 6th sense, a hunch, insight from somewhere deep inside, reminding you to be true to yourself. 
What does it mean to you? 

Be well

Exhibit A...


Remember how I've mentioned a time or two that those hidden emotions can manifest physically?

Exhibit A.

My right eye. Skin swollen. Discolored. Rashy. For days.

To admit I can resonate with more than a few of these emotions is "eye opening". LOL

It might be easier to list the ones I don't resonate with... 😉

Then, on the next page in the book is "Face"...yup...even more emotions wrapped up there...

It's on my skin...

And's a rash...

75% of our healing is through awareness. The rest is doing the work to heal ourselves. Yes, you can do that. You can heal.

If you are ready to take a look at the emotions hiding behind your physical issues, that's what I'm here for, whether you live nearby or across the globe, distance is not a problem. 

Simply reply and let's chat.

Could something so simple impact your health so much?

Recently I shared this graphic on social media: 
I got a lot of responses to two of these items... 
Any guesses which two?? 
If you picked sunglasses and air pods, you are right.  
While sunglasses may look cool, you may be surprised at what they can be doing to your body... 

Every cell in your body communicates with every other cell through light. The natural spectrum of light that hits our eyes has so many incredible frequencies that modern science has not discovered them all yet. 
Simply put, “sunglasses are cellular suicide”. (Richard Wilson) 
Sunglasses remove the UV rays, altering the natural spectrum of light entering your eyes, which can create disease. 
These frequencies and spectrum of light feed your pineal and pituitary glands, letting your brain know it is sunny out so your skin can prepare for direct sunlight and making vitamin D. Wearing sunglasses blocks your pineal gland, tricking your brain into thinking it is cloudy out, so your skin is not prepared for sun exposure. This is one of the main reasons people get skin cancer...not because of the sun but because of the glasses...  
Although the pineal gland isn’t fully understood yet, it is understood that you don’t want to mess with it... 
Other downsides of sunglasses include eye fatigue. Not only do your eyes need sunlight but forcing them to look through “tinted” glasses, they must work harder, putting them under stress. 
Your body may not produce as much Vitamin D. Why does that matter? Vitamin D is important for your bones, muscle function and your immune system health.  
Not getting that natural light in your eyes may also impact your hormonal health. Sunshine in the morning, without glasses, activates your pituitary gland telling it to release hormones that get your thyroid gland producing its hormones; stimulates your endocrine system; creates those happy hormones dopamine and serotonin; as well as supports metabolic, neurotransmitter and cardiovascular health.  
And then there is melatonin - a powerful antioxidant and anti-cancer hormone that supports blood sugar, cravings, addictions and even stress. It has been called the “king of the hormones”. Having trouble sleeping?? Lack of sun exposure on your eyes can lead to a disruption in your circadian rhythm, that natural sleep/wake cycle, again tied to melatonin.  
It has also been reported that sunglasses may promote mental health disorders and depression. According to Ayurveda’s law, “like increases like”, so the literal darkness of sunglasses may increase emotional darkness. Whereas sunlight, on your body and hitting your bare eyes, creates natural opioids, beta endorphins, that boost your emotional and mental state.  
This is not to say, however, that if you need to wear sunglasses, or are in a very bright environment like snow, not to wear them! There are some medical conditions that cause hyper-sensitivity to bright light, resulting in headaches, fatigue, inflammation, etc. Don’t strain your eyes, but you can strengthen them by allowing them to take in the full spectrum of natural light over time. Wearing a cool hat is always an option. ;) 

It is suggested to get outside at least 50 minutes a day, whether it is sunny or not, letting that daylight into your eyes and onto your body, especially early in the morning.   
Don't forget about Illumineyes and Ningxia Red Be sure to check out the 14 Day Ningxia Resetif you are ready to take your wellness to a whole new level with a community of others along on the same journey. 
What else surprised you on this list? 

Stomach acid can do what??

Organs to focus on supporting in the early summer months are the pancreas, spleen and stomach. 
For ease, simplicity and time, we will focus solely on the stomach this week. 

Your stomach is a pear-shaped organ between your esophagus and small intestine where most of your food digestion takes place. It’s a job is to break food down into smaller constituents by mixing it with hydrochloric acid to break up proteins. It then empties into the small intestine. 
Keeping a good balance of acid in your stomach is important.  Did you know that not having enough acid is more common than having too much despite what those antacid commercials are telling you? 

Common signs the stomach could use a little TLC include discomfort, gas, bloating, stomach pain or cramping, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, a change in bowel habits, blood in or on stool, ulcers, unexplained weight loss, fatigue, anemia, nausea or vomiting, headache, body aches, chills with or without a fever, feeling extra full or sleepy after meals, or fingernails chip, peel or break easily. 

Keeping your gut healthy will support a strong immune system, the heart, brain, overall mood, sleep, obviously digestion and it may even help prevent some cancers and autoimmune diseases. 
Avoid processed meats, fried foods, dairy, refined carbs, spicy or acidic foods and alcohol. 
Foods that will support the stomach include whole grains, leafy greens, lean proteins, avocado, yogurt, fermented foods, almonds, kiwi, olive oil and sourdough. 
Exercise, prebiotics, probiotics, water, tea, green juice and collagen are other ways to support the stomach. 
The Master Cleanse or a colon cleanse can also benefit the stomach. 

Emotions may be the culprit behind stomach issues. These emotions may include dread; fear of the new; not getting enough; losing control; defensiveness; limitation; worry; guilt; arrogant; controlling; insecurity; jealousy; stress; thinking you’re better than others; feeling inferior; fear of money/success; fear of movement; or feeling like you’ve been punched in the gut.  
75-90% of all doctor’s office visits are for stress-related issues and complaints.

Let’s talk oil choices to help support the stomach and, just for fun, let’s also look at the emotions each of these oils support using The Pathway to Emotional Healing by Jen McGraw as a reference. 
Valor – Defensive; fear of conflict; inability to cope; imbalanced; intimidated; judgmental; persecuted; shame. 
Release – Burdened; denial of success; fear of losing control; grief; guilt; holding back; loss of identity; overprotective; rejected; rejected by father; self-hatred; self-loathing; self-pity; worry; wrong. 
Surrender – Anger; fear of movement; resentment. 
DiGize – Disillusioned; indecisive 
Peace & Calming – Addiction; afraid; argumentative; depression; fear of losing control; indecisive; victim. 
Into the Future – Fear of the future; fear of movement; fear of the past; negative. 
Fennel – Giving up. 
Wintergreen – Unsupported (from Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils). 
Peppermint – Apathy, failure, fear of dependence, rigid, shock. 
Affirmations that may support the stomach include: 
I enjoy new things. 
I welcome new ideas. 
I choose trust. 

And, just a fun, friendly reminder we all sometimes need...

Early Summer Organ support - last stop! Reproductive support

Last post on our early summer organ support journey! I'd love to hear what you learned, what you loved or if you would like to see more emails like this!

Emotions: Feeling inferior; stuck; ashamed; helpless; guarded; lacking confidence; rejecting masculinity; deep seated disappointment, resentment or guilt.  
A small, squishy gland about the size of a ping pong ball, the prostate is located just below the bladder, deep inside the groin area where it produces a fluid that forms part of the semen.  
Foods to avoid for prostate health include meat like beef, lamb and pork; milk, cheese and other dairy products; processed meats like bacon, hot dogs, sausages; soda; sugary or fried foods; tomatoes; vinegar; citrus fruits; alcohol; caffeine; spinach, rhubarb and nuts.  
Foods that support prostate health include broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, bok choy, Brussels sprouts, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, salmon, sardines, herring, trout, mackerel, almonds, walnuts, pecans, cashews, bananas, tomatoes, soya beans, and green tea.  
Emotions – masculine principle; masculinity; gratitude; swallowed up; repression.  
The testes, or male reproductive organs, produce sperm and secrete hormones, primarily testosterone. They are in the scrotum, just behind the penis, but sometimes one or both do not move down into the scrotum once they develop.  
The right testicle can be slightly larger and the left hangs lower and usually that difference is nothing to worry about, but it can sometimes indicate a problem. If there is pain or a change in shape, consult your doctor.  
For testicular health, it is recommended you avoid all hydrogenated oils, trans fats, deep fried foods, margarine, artificial sweeteners, alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, and soda, as well as decrease your sugar, white flour, and processed food intake.  
Instead, it is suggested that you include foods like oranges, yellow bell peppers, tomatoes, grapes, Brazil nuts, sardines, salmon, and turmeric in your diet. 

Oils for the men include Mister, Highest Potential, Trauma Life, Forgiveness, Golden Rod.


Emotions – discounting feminine part of self; holding on to old hurts; issues with your mother; depleted; ungrounded; unsupported; neglected; unbalanced; focused on other people’s problems; unappreciative of self; or need for approval. 
Approximately 2” wide, 3” long and 1 ½” thick, the uterus, also called the womb, is a hollow, inverted pear-shaped muscular organ located between the bladder and rectum whose function is to nourish a fertilized egg until the fetus is ready to be delivered. It is divided into two parts – the cervix and the corpus. The corpus is the larger part and what expands during pregnancy.  
Common uterine problems include fibroids, endometriosis, uterine prolapse, polyps, scar tissue, or infection. The first sign of a problem with your uterus may be bleeding between cycles or after intercourse. 
Foods to clean your uterus include lemon, green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds, fiber, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, cold water fish and castor oil. 
Emotions – swallowed up; repression; not safe to be; holding on to old hurts; not trusting your intuition; low self-esteem; neglect; worry; focused on aging. 
Ovaries are two oval-shaped organs that produce and store a woman’s eggs and make the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. When a baby girl is born, her ovaries will hold hundreds of thousands to millions of eggs, but throughout her lifetime, only about 300-400 of those eggs will mature and be released. 
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, irregular or absent menstrual cycles, or absence of ovulation is considered a kidney disease process. The kidney in TCM is considered the root cause in polycystic ovarian syndrome.  
Food rich in Vitamin A (cod liver oil, eggs, milk, sweet potatoes, carrots, kale, spinach, and pumpkin); selenium (whole wheat bread, Brazil nuts, meats, eggs, and shellfish); and Vitamin C (fresh produce, strawberries, oranges, red peppers, and broccoli), all support ovary function and health, along with fighting cancer formation. 

Oils for the women might be Sclaressence, Dragon Time, Highest Potential, Trauma Life, SARA, Forgiveness, Inner Child, Clary Sage Jasmine or Ylang Ylang.
For both male and female:
Chakra and Color: Root chakra, Orange 
Meridian: Circulation Sex 
Time of day: 7-9pm 
Opposite organ: Stomach 

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