Organs to focus on supporting in the early summer months are the pancreas, spleen and stomach.
For ease, simplicity and time, we will focus solely on the stomach this week.
Your stomach is a pear-shaped organ between your esophagus and small intestine where most of your food digestion takes place. It’s a job is to break food down into smaller constituents by mixing it with hydrochloric acid to break up proteins. It then empties into the small intestine.
Keeping a good balance of acid in your stomach is important. Did you know that not having enough acid is more common than having too much despite what those antacid commercials are telling you?

Common signs the stomach could use a little TLC include discomfort, gas, bloating, stomach pain or cramping, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, a change in bowel habits, blood in or on stool, ulcers, unexplained weight loss, fatigue, anemia, nausea or vomiting, headache, body aches, chills with or without a fever, feeling extra full or sleepy after meals, or fingernails chip, peel or break easily.

Keeping your gut healthy will support a strong immune system, the heart, brain, overall mood, sleep, obviously digestion and it may even help prevent some cancers and autoimmune diseases.

Avoid processed meats, fried foods, dairy, refined carbs, spicy or acidic foods and alcohol.
Foods that will support the stomach include whole grains, leafy greens, lean proteins, avocado, yogurt, fermented foods, almonds, kiwi, olive oil and sourdough.
Exercise, prebiotics, probiotics, water, tea, green juice and collagen are other ways to support the stomach.
The Master Cleanse or a colon cleanse can also benefit the stomach.

Emotions may be the culprit behind stomach issues. These emotions may include dread; fear of the new; not getting enough; losing control; defensiveness; limitation; worry; guilt; arrogant; controlling; insecurity; jealousy; stress; thinking you’re better than others; feeling inferior; fear of money/success; fear of movement; or feeling like you’ve been punched in the gut.
75-90% of all doctor’s office visits are for stress-related issues and complaints.

Let’s talk oil choices to help support the stomach and, just for fun, let’s also look at the emotions each of these oils support using The Pathway to Emotional Healing by Jen McGraw as a reference.
Valor – Defensive; fear of conflict; inability to cope; imbalanced; intimidated; judgmental; persecuted; shame.
Release – Burdened; denial of success; fear of losing control; grief; guilt; holding back; loss of identity; overprotective; rejected; rejected by father; self-hatred; self-loathing; self-pity; worry; wrong.
Surrender – Anger; fear of movement; resentment.
DiGize – Disillusioned; indecisive
Peace & Calming – Addiction; afraid; argumentative; depression; fear of losing control; indecisive; victim.
Into the Future – Fear of the future; fear of movement; fear of the past; negative.
Fennel – Giving up.
Wintergreen – Unsupported (from Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils).
Peppermint – Apathy, failure, fear of dependence, rigid, shock.
Affirmations that may support the stomach include:
I enjoy new things.
I welcome new ideas.
I choose trust.
And, just a fun, friendly reminder we all sometimes need...