5 Ways to Reinvent Your Health

Hey, hey, my friend! With all the illness we are seeing all around us lately, how about some lifestyle tips to help keep you above that wellness line??

Sharing some simple strategies from one of my favorite coaches, Dr. Edie Wadsworth, a physician turned incredible coach and mentor. Click her name to find her podcast and let her help you create the life you want to live!

*1. Real food, food that nourishes you, nutrient dense food.  Shop the perimeter of the store (who said math wasn't important? LOL) Real food doesn't come with an ingredient label...if you are reading labels, you are buying the wrong food. Take a great probiotic to keep your gut microbiome healthy. Have you tried microgreens?? Kefir or any other fermented foods?

Processed foods, sugar, food that's hard to digest, antibiotics, stress, medicines, lack of movement, all damage that gut microbiome, leading to leaky gut, setting you up for all kinds of other issues.  The best way to heal your gut is to eat your way there.

*2. Movement is so important! The amount of lean muscle you have on your body is one thing that determines your longevity more than anything else. As you age, if you are not actively building muscle, you are losing it. Muscle is the tissue of longevity, it is how you boost your metabolism, how you keep from having insulin resistance, balances your hormones, helps you age gracefully and more. Put your body under enough physical stress to make itself strong. There is nothing you can do like it that gives you the same benefit. You can't take a pill for it. You can't slather it on or breathe it in. You simply have to "put in the reps". ;) 

*3. Good sleep and true rest. Are you getting in good productive hard work and movement, and then truly resting at the end of each day? Or are you getting some weird kind of in between thing? Are you getting enough sleep? Oils, supplements, a good night time routine, blackout curtains, a cool room, white noise...what works for you? Above all, get outside in the sunshine. Getting sun during the day helps you reset those wake/sleep cycles. Even losing an hour or two of sleep a night consistently over years can take years off your life...hmmm...Not sure I want to even think about how much I've lost over the years! LOL

*4. Reduce your stress...Easier said than done, I know. That's part of the reason you want to listen to Dr. Edie's podcast and teachings...a whole new way of looking at things...There is nothing worse for your body than chronic stress. We even create it for ourselves! Tell me you have never created a problem in your mind, then stressed about finding a solution to it, yet it doesn't even exist, hasn't even happened and probably won't happen at all!? LOL

*5. Reduce the amount of toxins you are exposed to. Dr. Edie shares that she has earned a "Ph.D. in natural health" over the last 10 years on this YL journey. She didn't learn this stuff in medical school, my friends. She learned it doing her own research, learning about her own body, making changes in her lifestyle and what she was or was not using or doing. You can, too. 

Look around you for a moment. What is surrounding you? We are swimming in a sea of toxins. The average woman uses 300+ chemicals a day...80-100 of those before she has even had breakfast. Newborn babies have over 200 toxins in their umbilical cord blood that were passed from momma. 

Research those candles, room sprays, cleaners, warmers, dryer sheets. Research the toxins they fill your body with. You don't know what you don't know. Get curious and see where the adventure leads you! Reducing toxins is way easier than you think. You already know my easy button. YL for the win! ;) Check out the new online catalog here

I challenge you to try one or more of these simple changes this week. What's the best that could happen? 

To hear more strategies, join us in Intentional Wellness, my free online community.

See you there!

Do you love it or hate it?


Are you ready for it? The season to freshen everything up and jump into that spring cleaning? Yeah...me either. LOL Seems a bit pointless when you have a dirt driveway that turns to mud, but...I even bought a new mat for in front of the door to collect the mess. Did I put it down yet? Nope. Why? It will get dirty...just a little unsolicited sneak peek in to my head... ;) 

How about some easy peasy citrus-infused DIYs?? Will they help get you motivated to do the cleaning? Or will you just enjoy creating them? ;) 

DIY Lushious Lemon Room Spray
  • 25 drops Lushious Lemon Essential Oil Blend
  • 10 drops Vanilla Oleoresin 
  • Add essential oils to a 2oz glass spray bottle, add a splash of witch hazel & top with water! Spritz on all the things! 
DIY Spring Garden Hand Soap

Spring Breeze Thieves Cleaner We love switching up our cleaner scents for spring, and this blend is perfect for all the blooming flowers! 
  • 16oz glass spray bottle
  • 1-2 capfuls Thieves Household Cleaner
  • 20 drops each Lavender, Peppermint, Lemon 
  • 10 drops Basil or Rosemary 
  • Filtered water Add ingredients to the spray bottle, then gently invert to mix. Use to clean any surfaces daily as desired! 
Lushious Lemon Thieves Cleaner 
Add a fresh citrus twist to your Thieves Household Cleaner!
  • 16oz glass spray bottle
  • 1-2 capfuls Thieves Household Cleaner
  • 30 drops Lushious Lemon Essential Oil Blend
  • 15 drops Vanilla Oleoresin
  • Filtered water Add ingredients to the spray bottle, then gently invert to mix. Use to clean any surfaces daily as desired! 
DIY Cleaning Fizzies 
Just what are cleaning fizzies? Think of them as your cleaning sidekick. They can tackle the toilet bowl for you or help you knock out that sink full of dirty pots and pans. Best sidekick ever! Homemade cleaning fizzies are easy to make and even easier to use. 
  • 1 cup baking soda
  • ½ cup citric acid
  • ½ cup cornstarch
  • 4 teaspoons water
  • 40 drops Lemon essential oil or Thieves or Citrus Fresh essential oil blends
  • 3 teaspoons V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex
  • Ice cube tray or candy mold 
  • In a large bowl, combine all dry ingredients and mix evenly. In a separate bowl, combine water, essential oils or blends, and V-6. Pour liquids into the large bowl and mix together until combined. Use mixture to fill ice cube tray or candy mold about three fourths full. If mixture expands and spills over mold, gently repack into the mold. Let sit overnight to dry in room temperature area. When dry, pop tablets out and store in a glass jar. To Use: place a tablet in the toilet bowl, hard-to-clean bottles, or sink full of dishes to help clean and deodorize. Let sit in bowl, bottle, or sink for 20–30 minutes to fizz and dissolve. Once dissolved, flush or rinse out.

A little self care diy...you matter, too...

Question for you...do you like the way others treat you? 

Now tell me...how do you treat yourself? Is there a correlation? See any similarities?? ;)

Let's do some self care, shall we?  It's more important than we think...you can't give to others if you are trying to pour from a cup with a hole in it...

DIY Glow Serum 
Ditch all the other moisturizers and serums because this one is the game-changer! Apply morning and evening for healthy, glowing skin. (PS - CBD Beauty Boost has been nicknamed ‘Botox in a Bottle' so you know it's good!)
DIY Vitamin C Facial Toner 
Vitamin C and Geranium are a dynamic duo when it comes to brightening the skin. Try out this simple toner as we head into the warmer months!
  • 2oz glass dropper bottle
  • 1&1/2 tsp Organic vitamin C powder 
  • 5 drops Geranium essential oil
  • 3 Tbsp distilled water
  • Splash alcohol-free witch hazel (optional for more oil-prone skin) 
  • Mix vitamin C powder into the water until dissolved, then add Geranium and top with a splash of witch hazel (optional). Use morning and evening or as desired. Store up to 2 weeks at room temperature or longer in the fridge.
Healthy Hair Recovery 
Whether you're dealing with hormonal needs, postpartum hair loss, recovery from acute illness or something else, here is our Healthy Hair Recovery Protocol that can help your hair get back to its glory days! 
  • NingXia Red
  • SulfurZyme Powder
  • Inner Beauty Collagen
  • Mineral Essence 
  • Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood Hydrosol
  • Rosemary, Cedarwood and Lavender Essential Oils
Orange Creamsicle Body Scrub 
This simple DIY leaves your skin silky smooth and its dreamy winter scent is perfect for the winter days. Follow with the DIY Body Butter for smooth, happy winter skin!
  • 1/4 cup organic fractionated coconut oil
  • 3/4 cup organic cane sugar
  • 15 drops Orange or Tangerine essential oil 
  • 10 drops Vanilla oleoresin 
  • Mix Orange & Vanilla with fractionated coconut oil in a glass container, then add organic cane sugar to the bowl and stir until combined. To use, massage into skin in a circular motion and rinse well. After exfoliating, moisturize with the DIY Present TIme Body Butter. 

Present Time Body Butter 
Take care of your skin with this simple, customizable DIY Body Butter. Try mixing floral oils like Neroli, Jasmine or Geranium with spruce and tangerine!
  • 8-12 ounce glass container glass container 
  • 1/2 cup solid refined, organic coconut oil 
  • 1/2 cup organic mango butter (or a mix of shea butter and mango butter)
  • 1/2 cup organic jojoba oil 
  • 10 drops Idaho Blue Spruce essential oil
  • 15 drops Neroli or Geranium essential oil
  • 20 drops Tangerine essential oil
  • OR use 45 drops of Present Time Essential Oil Blend Place coconut oil and shea butter in a bowl and whip with a handheld or stand mixer until fluffy and smooth. Slowly add in the jojoba oil, then the essential oils, mixing as you add. Whip for about five minutes or so. The longer you mix, the fluffier it will become!
Spring is finally here, at least according to the calendar...get outside and enjoy that sunshine! The mud will be here in full force here in Maine soon enough! ;) 

Be well,

I wish someone had shared these with me earlier...

We can't stop the time change, or the weather, but what if you could find some help and support with other areas of spring's arrival?


We are all ready for spring with it's promise of warmer temps, beautiful flowers popping up, the sound of birds...but it can also have a down side...those acute respiratory issues... Try out these simple sprays and rollers and help make this season's arrival easier on your nose... 

Changing Seasons Oral Spray 
This little bottle will be your springtime bff! Applying oils topically and diffusing are great health habits, but there is even more benefit to using oils as dietary supplements. Try this out to give your respiratory system a little TLC this season! 
  • 10mL glass spray bottle 
  • 1 drop each Lavender Vitality, Copaiba Vitality, Peppermint Vitality
  • 2 drops Orange Vitality, Lemon Vitality
  • Splash Thieves Mouthwash, optional
  • Filtered water.
  • Add all ingredients into a spray bottle and shake well. Spritz into your mouth daily or as desired! 
Raindrop Oral Spray Sometimes our defenses need a little extra boost, and this combination of oils is our go-to when we need something a little ‘more.' The Raindrop Massage Technique is a powerful health tool, so we're using some of those oils on, around, and in our bodies when we need it! 
  • 10mL glass spray bottle 
  • 1 drop each Oregano Vitality, Thyme Vitality, Peppermint Vitality, Basil Vitality
  • 2 drops Lemon Vitality, Orange Vitality 
  • Splash Olive Oil
  • Filtered Water
  • Add all ingredients into a spray bottle and shake well. Spritz into your mouth daily or as desired. Note: this one may tingle a bit, similar to OTC throat sprays. 
DIY Nasal Rinse
Grab your Neti-pot and whip up your own oil-infused sinus rinse! 
  • 10 drops Lavender essential oil
  • 15 drops Copaiba essential oil
  • 8 Tbsp of ultra fine salt (unprocessed, no iodine) Mix well and store in a sealed glass jar. To use, dissolve 1 tsp of salt mixture into 1&1/2 cups of distilled water (or water from a Berkey filter or boil and cool some water), then add to your Neti pot and use as needed. 
DIY Season's Change Capsules 
Make using your Vitality oils easy with this simple hack! 
  • 2oz glass dropper bottle
  • 30 drops each Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, Copaiba Vitality
  • Olive oil to desired dilution (about 2 Tbsp) 
  • When you're ready to make a capsule, fill an empty vegetable capsule with a dropperful of the blend and take as desired. 
Sinus Support Steam Pot
When you're needing some relief from the pressure that spring can cause your sinuses, try this trick!
  • Bowl of very hot, steaming water
  • 2-3 drops Peppermint Essential Oil
  • 2-4 drops Dorado Azul Essential Oil 
  • Add essential oils to the water (start with the lower end and add more as desired). Place a towel over your head and sit with your head above the steam bath to open the airways. 
Happy Noses Roller 
This is a great roller to use anytime you need some sinus relief, but it is especially great after doing the sinus steam pot! 
  • 10mL roller bottle 
  • 20 drops each Dorado Azul, Idaho Blue Spruce
  • 10 drops DiGize, R.C.
  • 5 drops Peppermint 
  • Roll over the sinus cavities as desired. Take care when using near the eyes and dilute more if desired. If you get it too close to your eyes, simply apply coconut oil over the area.
Be well,

Spring cleaning and diffusing?

Well...they may not actually do the nitty gritty spring cleaning of your house, but they will help your home smell like you just did all the cleaning! Spring cleaning diffuser blends below!

Spring is coming so our food choices are going to start looking a little different, too. How about some new recipes to try with those vitality oils? (Remember, vitality and regular label oils are the same on the inside...they are just labeled for different uses to stay F D A compliant.)

Lavender Collagen Latte 
You know I'm not a coffee girl, but I've heard this is pretty yummy...and it can help with those springtime blooms as well since Lavender Vitality is a great choice when the pollen begins to fly. 
  • 12 ounces brewed, strong organic coffee
  • 1/4 cup milk of choice
  • 1T organic maple syrup (add more to taste)
  • 1 scoop Inner Beauty Collagen
  • 1 drop Lavender Vitality essential oil
  • Optional: electric milk frother Grab your favorite coffee mug and line the bottom with maple syrup, about 1T. Pour the brewed coffee on top and stir gently to mix. Add the milk and essential oil to the frother, and wait while it warms. When ready, pour the milk into your coffee, top with a sprinkle of cinnamon and a small drizzle of maple syrup or a small sprinkle of raw sugar if desired!
Lemon Herb-Infused Olive Oil 
Use these creations to spice up your cooking, dip your warm bread in, or as a finishing touch to salad dressing, roasted meats, or fish! 
  • 10 ounces olive oil
  • 2 drops Rosemary Vitality essential oil
  • 4 drops Lemon Vitality essential oil
  • 2 drops Basil Vitality essential oil
  • Handful of freshly sliced lemons
  • Handful each of rosemary and basil Pour the olive oil into a big pot or saucepan. Keep on low heat until it starts to bubble. Mix in the herbs and let it cook until the oil is fragrant. Be sure not to brown the herbs. Turn off the heat and let the oil cool. Add the drops of Vitality oil into the mixture. (Remember, less is more. Vitality oils can be potent, so start with fewer drops and add more for a bolder flavor.) Funnel the mixture into the bottles.
Citrus Vinegar 
  • 12 ounces white wine vinegar 
  • 1 small grapefruit
  • 1 small lime 
  • 1 small orange
  • Orange Vitality essential oil
  • Lime Vitality essential oil
  • Grapefruit Vitality essential oil
  • Slice your favorite fruit and put it in a 16-ounce bottle or jar. Pour vinegar into a saucepan and bring to a simmer. Pour hot vinegar into your bottle or jar over the fruit. Let it stand at room temperature for 8 hours. Add Vitality essential oil. Shake well before using, as oil and vinegar don't mix.

Do you look forward to the free products each month as much as I do??

As promised, here are your spring cleaning diffuser blends...put away those candles, no more smoke to wash off the walls. Pull out those diffusers and welcome all the spring goodness into your home.



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