Whether you were around for any of these decades or are simply appreciating all they brought to our current culture, these blends will take you back to the best of the years. Diffuse it, roll it, spray it - no matter how you use these combinations you're gonna love them!
You can use these same recipes as a diffuser blend, a 10mL roller blend (https://amzn.to/3rE96Gt) or a 2oz spray (https://amzn.to/3L9Jb0M). To use in the diffuser, follow the recipes as is or simply add a total of up to 12 drops in most diffusers (up to 20 for the Aria!)
For the rollers, add a total of 30-50 drops of oil and carrier to a 10mL roller bottle.
For the spray add a total of about 25 drops to the bottle. If you want a larger spray bottle, simply double the amounts. To use the sprays, add the ingredients to a bottle, invert to mix and spray onto surfaces or skin as desired.
50's Recipes
Sock hops and swing dancing and all things happy and wholesome.

60's Recipes
The era of nostalgic music and the beginning of many modern technologies!

70's Recipes
Bell bottoms, braids and big social change, this era was one to remember.

80's Recipes
Cue the big hair and leotard cause we're blasting it back to the 80s with these blends!

90's Recipes
This era might be the most nostalgic of all…

What's your favorite era??